Bohemian Letna Alternative Bar Tour in Prague. Take a bar tour that will take you away from the crowded city center into Prague’s vibrant neighborhoods to places you otherwise wouldn’t find on your own. Visit funky alternative bars and clubs where you can hang out with locals and get a first-hand feel of what life in Prague has to offer. Included on this guided tour is a delicious 150 g organic BBQ bacon cheeseburger, 5 crafted microbrewery beers/wines or organic Ciders, shot of local spirit- Becherovka, glass of Moravian Champagne, Sisha with fruity flavor and entrance to the best steam punk club in the country+ cloakroom. All this followed by a private taxi ride home at the end of the night.
Categoría: Gastronomía, vino y vida nocturna.
Inicio en: Praga, República Checa.
Duración: 6 horas.
Precio: 55,00 euros.