Terezín Private Half Day Tour From Prague

Terezín Private Half Day Tour From Prague. Terezín Private Half Day Tour From Prague

The massive citadel of Terezín (Theresienstadt) with more than 4km of walls was originally a military garrison and fortress built in the 18th century by Emperor Joseph II, and used as a defence against Prussian aggression. During WWII, the Nazis used Terezín as a transit camp and prison of the Prague Gestapo. Remember the sad history of the Jews in the Museum of the Ghetto, where more than 150,000 Jews were sent, and although it was not an extermination camp, at the end of the war there were just 17,247 survivors.

Categoría: Traslados y transporte terrestre.

Inicio en: Praga, República Checa.

Duración: 5.30 to 5.40 hrs.

Precio: 160,00 euros.


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